Happy 2014!
14 has always been my favorite number, so I have some high expectations for this year. I’m not quite sure how I can top 2013, but you better bet I’ll try!
I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions. I have the mindset that if you want to start doing something differently or have a goal to work towards, any day is a good day to start. Every morning, afternoon and evening is a time to start anew. Who needs a new calendar year? You don’t, honestly.
So rather than make a specific resolution, I’m going with my process from last year–choosing a word to focus on for the year. 2013 was the year of ‘simplify’.
{Canvas created by my talented sister Karissa}
And simplify I did. The biggest result of simplifying was our very intimate, home grown, organic wedding. A true reflection of our values, lifestyle and relationships.
What resulted from all of the simplifying? CREATIONS.
We created so much love. So many memories. And so many awesome homemade items.
I made a desk last year. I quilted again. Our wedding was full of homemade and homegrown items that now cover our walls and fill our memories.
So while we were doing all this simplifying and chose to make things ourselves, rather than buy in to the Wedding Industrial Complex (WIC), we created.
Since last year worked so well, I’m going to stick with SIMPLIFY and add CREATE as my word for 2014. (Why take away something that is working so well? Now we’re just adding to it!) Can you tell I like to make my own rules? 😉
A few quick steps as to how I found my ‘word of the year’ and carry it out.
- I made a list (a visual one, actually) of the highlights of the prior year.
- You could do this in a notebook with words, in Pinterest with pins, in instagram with Flipagram, or however your brain best processes your highlights.
- Struggling with the highlights? Ask yourself what you are most grateful for in 2013–what are you so happy about that you want to continue with that feeling, memory, tradition? What did you do in 2013 that made you proud of yourself?
- If 2013 was a bad year for you, that’s okay–what would you want to change in 2014 (or any day) to make those things not happen again?
- As you come up with your highlights, see if there’s a theme. (I’m happy when I create things rather than buy things.)
- And it’s okay (remember, you make the rules) if you need or want to change your ‘word of the year’ at any time.
- Now write down in your journal/blog, put up post it notes, make a pin board, take photos, post about it on facebook–whatever is your medium–surround yourself with that word and let your brain and dreams do the rest.
So tell me…what’s your word for 2014? Here’s to it being the best one yet for you!
Cheers to a fabulous 2014!
[…] 2013 was my year to simplify. […]